Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Craziest moments of my life

While writing this post, I was bewildered; not because I didn’t had any crazy moments in my life but to choose from dozens of them. After a long dialogue with my mind, I came up with five craziest moments of my life

When I hacked my Principal’s computer to leak out the question paper:
I was in my teens, probably in class X when I used my computer skill to hack my principal’s computer. I was not a backbencher, so I had no intention to leak out paper. But my friends put forward an offer of a FM radio set if I would leak the paper. I did so and caught.

My first love and first love letter:
“Why the great almighty has made her too beautiful”- that was my first reaction when I met her for the first time. It was hard to describe her beauty in words. Quite usual, I did what other adolescent would do. I proposed her. But amazingly the letter landed at her father! Even today, I remember the day when my parents fired upon me and thrown out.

When I was ragged:
I was first week in an engineering college and I faced the wrath of my seniors. But what was unusual that rather than ragging me, they were ragged my me! Thank god to my martial art skills that I learnt in my childhood. I was not a black-belt but purple one, enough to defend myself.

When I went up for a job
Under the pressure of my parents, I had to join a call center where I had to spend hours seated in front of a computer and to listen to gallis of the customer! I lost two precious years of my life, answering the gallis of the people. Finally it was unbearable and decided to quit. I went to my boss, recited some of my politest gallis and resigned.

When I got married:
It was a turning point in my life. Yet, I cannot classify as craziest moments, but one of the happiest moments of my well (no matter that what happens next)

In association with Blogadda and Pringoo!

1 comment:

  1. Aww.. Awesome.. I loved you being ragged and your first love..

    I wish you a good luck...

    Saravana Kumar - Moments Of Madness

    Yours Frendly,
    Saravana Kumar M
